If you use the internet, you know about blogs. The popular WordPress platform is what is most commonly used for the majority of the blogs you found. If you want to blog, then you have to know WordPress, and this article is going to pave the way for you.

Select a unique design when creating your site. You may be tempted to choose from the first couple of pages, but if you do, your blog will be very commonplace. Creating a site that showcases the uniqueness of your business is critical.

WordPress can help you include video blogging on your site. This will take a while, but the benefits are great. A lot of web users are drawn to video blogging because of their personal visual preferences. Videos can show things that words simply cannot, making them a powerful tool.

Avoid designs that are commonplace. While it is tempting to save time, your viewers will not get the best impression. You want to show how your site is different from everyone else.

TIP! Make sure you use “title” and “alt.” Use your Title and Alt.

Prior to installing WordPress, find out as much as possible about the program. Planning ahead will give you an advantage when you start. Find out more concerning search engine optimization, well-written content and the nuances of WordPress so you have an easier time building a blog.

Make a schedule when you wish to start posting. Doing this provides you with the necessary motivation to make your posts. The fact is, you will be able to write several posts all at once, and then have WordPress upload them on a set schedule.

Moderate comments and content that add nothing of value to your blog. This will ensure your site remains user friendly. The plugin “Askimet” can make the process of identifying spam quite easy.

Make a schedule when you wish to start posting. If you have a set time when you are supposed to make a post, you will be more likely to actually do it. Actually, you can write all the posts for a week in one sitting and then use WordPress’s schedule feature to upload the posts at the appointed time.

TIP! Sometimes you may spend a lot of time adjusting your WordPress blog and then mistakenly think none of your changes have been saved. This is likely not the case.

Special Characters

Make sure the URLs for your posts do not have special characters in them. Special characters annoy search engine spiders, so it’s best not to have any. You should also shorten all URLs so that they aren’t overwhelming to anyone coming to your site, so only include the key words.

Do you have lots of comments? If so, you and other visitors might find it difficult to weed through all of them. Look for a plugin to add page numbers at the end of the comments section. Not only will your blog look more organized, but it will also make navigation a lot easier.

Posts are always shown chronologically, until you say otherwise. Change the date if you want to rearrange the list. The date is always on the top, right-hand corner of every blog post. Change the date after clicking on it to get it moved from the original position.

TIP! Write a personalized greeting near the top of your blog. This helps your visitors feel more welcome and interested, and the messages can be personalized depending on how the visitor got there.

Your pictures are another way to increase your rankings with search engines. You should incorporate title tags to your photos. If someone “pins” one of your images on Pinterest, your title will be what shows up on their blog.

Allow visitors to email your articles to themselves. There are some people who cannot look at Twitter or Facebook in the office;however, they want to share your information with others. WordPress has a plugin for email sharing.

You shouldn’t pick a username such as “admin”. Bots are more likely to attack a blog that has “administrator” or “admin” as a username. This raises the risk in security. Go to your page of users and remove usernames that say “admin” or “adminstrator”. Choose a unique username to increase the security level of your site.

Make sure users can email themselves any of your articles at any time. This allows your readers to share an articles with their friends and also to save a copy for themselves. A WP Email plugin can make this possible.

TIP! Keep your WordPress password safe and to yourself. In addition, only download and implement plugins with good reviews from reputable sources.

WordPress offers bloggers a way to develop great looking blogs. You will have more success if you know how to use WordPress. Each time you log on to your blog, remember what you have learned here.

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