Good website development is an important part of a having a popular website. But, available information is vast, design ideas constantly change, and the concept of “great” alters, so achieving a “great” website is not always that simple. Luckily, you have found this article! This article provides insight on several components of web design.

The graphics you use are important. Keep in mind that bitmap images are quit large. For this reason, they don’t work well; however, PNG images work very well indeed. Try using PNGs for images that are not photos or text buttons or if an image has over 256 colors. Use GIFs for something with less than 256 colors. For pictures, use JPEG images.

Avoid pop-ups. Nothing is worse that going to a website and being bombarded with pop-up ads. The vast majority of users will just exit a site with pop-ups. So make sure you have happy customers, by not including these aggravating pop-ups ads. If your web hosting company requires the use of pop-ups, consider moving to a new host.

Meta Tags

Include strong meta-tags on every page of your site, if you want to get more visitors to your site. Good meta tags will help search engines categorize your site properly. If your meta tags are poorly thought out and do not reflect your site’s content, then you will not get many visitors.

Keep load times to a minimum of your site. Visitors are not going to wait around for a slow site. Reduce graphics, scripts and Flash consoles on your web page, optimize HTML and utilize SSI files.

Make your fonts professional and readable. Fonts say a lot about the professionalism of a site and the business it represents. Comic Sans and fancier fonts may not be available on a lot of your users’ computers, so don’t use them. Your style should specify a default font in case a user doesn’t have your preferred font. Your site can look bad when this happens.

Website counters are pretty unattractive, so stay away from them. You may think it’s improving your site, when in fact, it is not desirable. Eliminate visitor counters, and find other methods of tracking the number of visitors to your site.

Design Tools

Using a host’s design tools to build your website is a good idea for the basic layout, but you don’t want to rely on the design tools completely. It’s important to have your personality show through on your website, and the way to do this is by adding extra touches the host site doesn’t offer.

One way that you can see how well your site has been designed is by taking advantage of site usability tools. These tasks help to find the information that is in your site. A well-designed website will have testers reporting no bugs or complaints. But if it isn’t, you need to reconsider your design choices.

Figure out who you think your audience will be as you design your website. This will help with designing your site and features too. The advice you glean from your target market will prove to be invaluable.

Practice time management when building a site if you wish it to be completed any time soon. Website includes a ton of small tasks that could make you procrastinate. However, these minor tasks can add up quickly. Handle them as they come up.

Continually educate yourself on site design. Once you have gained an understanding of a specific part of the web page design process, you should proceed to learn the next component. This can make your initial construction of the site take longer, but once you’re done with that first one, you’ll be ready to make dozens.

Do not make your ads too large. Large ads will make people feel uncomfortable. Only add content that won’t clutter up other content, and folks will view your site as professional, and a site they’d like to return to in the future.

Site Maps

Make sure that your site has a site map. Site maps do two things. First, visitors can figure out what is going on at your page. This allows visitors to find links to topics on your site that interest them on one single page. Site maps are helpful for SEO. These maps will make it simple for search engines to index your site.

Try using a favicon on your Internet site. These little images show up next to the link to your website if your visitors choose to bookmark it. If your favicon is distinctive and memorable, the link to your site will stand out on visitors’ bookmark lists. Create a favicon that works well with the theme and logo of your site.

Web page design is one of the most important aspects of a site’s success. Sometimes it can be nearly impossible to stay on top of industry trends and sort through the tons of information that is available on the subject of web design without becoming confused or overwhelmed. Luckily, you have been given crucial web page design information to help you. Creating an informative, accurate and useful website is not as complex as most people think.

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