So, you have decided to use SEO to enhance your website’s visibility. That is wonderful news. However, you might be so intimidated by the overwhelming amount of information on the subject that you’re not sure what to do next. This article is filled with easy to understand SEO tips. Below are several terrific ideas to get you going and better organized in your quest to become an SEO master.
Implementing short but informative articles is more useful than having an overly long and complicated article that covers many topics. Longer pages do not help page rankings as much as shorter ones do. Additionally, most internet users prefer to read shorter articles rather than longer ones.
Assist the web spiders in their mission if you expect to be ranked highly. There are always spiders going through your content, searching for various keywords, and they need to know how to get to all the pages on your site. Create a site map to help the web spider to determine what is most important about your website and figure out the page hierarchy.
Only focus on one topic for each page. Do not promote every product that you have on the site. Doing so will do little more than frustrate your visitors. It’s far better to introduce only one service or product at a time in a post.
Site Map

Create a site map for your website to help the major search engines index each of your site’s pages. The site map, or navigation bar, lets the search engines access your pages from all other pages on the site. When your site is not very large, you still want to have a site map to help raise your search engine rankings.
Include transcripts of any streaming media like audio or video on your site in order to help the search engines rank your content. When you give a transcript, the search engine will find it as well.
Social marketing will help raise your websites ranking in search engine results. This means you should become a member of the most popular social networks. While Facebook and Twitter are the most popular, they are not the only sites out there. Some of the sites will even allow you to cater to a certain group. You should become active on least a few that your business relates to, and use them as a platform to introduce people to your products.
After reading this article, you should have a working knowledge of SEO. That was a lot to think and read through, but at least you should have an idea of what to do and where to begin with the SEO of your site. Print this article and refer back to it as needed.
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