Think about WordPress if you are looking for a lean and efficient tool to make a website. This is a feature-rich tool that’s also easy to learn. Your blog or website can be as complex or as simple as you want. Read on to learn more.

Don’t choose a design that looks like every other WordPress site. Though it is less time consuming, your site will blend in with other blogs. Creating a site that showcases the uniqueness of your business is critical.

Make sure you use “title” and “alt.” when uploading post images. This lets you add some phrases for SEO and it lets your readers know what the image is.

If your post has a long title, clean up its permalink. For instance, “Ten Ways Smart Parents Can Tame Their Children” would come across as a cumbersome, long URL. Instead, try making the permalink “tips-parents-uncontrollable-children” or something comparable based on the SEO keywords.

TIP! Spend some time learning about the tools and features WordPress offers bloggers. For instance, the button named kitchen sink gives you multiple formatting and importing options for your posts.

WordPress allows for simple video blogging. You must do some preparation; however, it’s worth it. Many users want to see videos. Using video is a powerful tool because it allows you to express your thoughts visually.

Be sure to learn all you can before you even install WordPress. The more prepared you are, the simpler the process of setting up your page will be. Find out more concerning search engine optimization, well-written content and the nuances of WordPress so you have an easier time building a blog.

Are there a lot of commenters to your posts? If that’s the case, it may be hard for you or your visitors to sift through those numerous comments. Consider a page number plugin to simplify this. Your site will have more visual appeal and be easier for visitors to navigate.

Make sure you learn everything you can prior to installing WordPress. Adequate planning will save you time in the long run. Learn about SEO, creating content using plugins.

TIP! Make a posting schedule for yourself. If you are aware of when you ought to post, your motivation will stay high.

Rank higher with the search engines by paying careful attention to the images that you upload. Make sure to give titles, as well as alternate text tags. If someone “pins” one of your images on Pinterest, your title will be what shows up on their blog.

Create the best greeting for the top of your WordPress website. This can make things more personal with your visitors, as you can create a message that relates to how the user found your blog. Access this option using the WordPress Greet Box plugin as it helps make your visitors’ experience less impersonal.

Provide a link that allows all your users to easily email themselves a copy of your articles. This is a good way to share, especially with those who are not using Facebook or Twitter. Set this up using a WP-Email plugin.

Any comment that isn’t on topic or doesn’t make sense should be deleted. This makes your website more user-friendly. Use Akismet if you need a plugin to do this.

TIP! You might spend some time making changes, only to see that they haven’t taken effect. If changes are not being saved, there is probably a different problem.

Security on your WordPress site is very important, so make your password strong and keep it secure. Additionally, only use plugins from reputable sites, checking the reviews posted before you install them. You’ll lose all your hard work if your site gets hacked or infected with malware.

Make sure targeted titles and descriptors are always used. These are the first impressions that your readers see. For this reason, they are very important. Scribe is a great piece of software that you can use. These editing tools allow you to increase the appeal of your site.

Try keeping the plugin installations on your WordPress blog to a minimum. Plugins are cool and all, but they can make your site load at a snail’s pace. The web site will load more slowly and affect your search engine rank. Well-optimized sites rank better than slow ones.

Help users easily send articles to you when they want. This is important for sharing purposes as well, as many users may not be able to access Facebook or Twitter at work but may want to share your articles with friends. WordPress has an email plugin just for this purpose.

TIP! Be careful when setting up usernames. This can make you more susceptible to bots.

Always make a backup of your blog. Back up your blog on a daily basis. Xcloner, which is a WordPress plugin is very useful. Utilize any plugin or site you wish for the purpose of backing up your blog. Just be certain to have a back up in multiple locations. It would be a tragedy to lose your whole blog.

Use a plugin that builds internal links among your posts, thus improving the reading experience of your audience. These plugins create lists of a few links to each post by using tag relevance.

You can schedule blog posts using WordPress. You can schedule them to post, even if you aren’t around. Go to “Edit”, and then find the “Publish” option. Directly beneath this is the notation: PUBLISH IMMEDIATELY. Enter the time you want the post published. This should include the day, month, and year. Approve the selection. When the “Schedule For” screen comes up, check it, and hit “Schedule” if it’s correct.

Never share your WordPress password. Additionally, only use plugins from reputable sites, checking the reviews posted before you install them. If your site ever gets hacked or infected with malware, you risk losing the entire thing.

TIP! Incorporate targeted descriptions in your site. These are a few of the first words your audience will see when they find your posts in the search engines.

You should now see how powerful a platform WordPress can be. Whether doing a simple blog or an Internet marketing site, you know that WordPress can help you. The better you are at using WordPress, the greater your blog’s potential.

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