Website development is a beautiful work of art when the designer of a site has an idea of what he or she is doing. Really great website creation is in a class by itself, and will separate the business or interests it represents, from the rest of the pack. The more you know, the more capable you will be of designing a great site. Read the article below to expand your knowledge and build great sites.
Have your website prominently feature a tagline. This tagline should give visitors an idea of what your site is about. This will give the visitor a quick first impression of what you’re about.
When designing a large site, always incorporate a search feature. Place a search box in the top right corner on the home page where users can search for a term that may appear on your site. Google and FreeFind both offer search functions for your website.
Include photos into your website. Putting pictures on a website adds a more personal touch and helps the user relate better to your information. People will look at your website longer and more often if you include high quality, original images.
Alt Tags
You must remember in order to index your images, ALT tags must be employed. The tags are important because they allow people who struggle with vision to better use your site by translating what the image is to voice, and this works in a similar fashion for those who have images disabled on their device. If images are links, your ALT tags can help you describe the link’s behavior, too. Search engine crawlers also heavily use ALT tags to boost the rankings for some websites.
When creating pages that have links, be sure the links contain text content. Links with content are helpful for visitors. Links on a site page without content, visitors can accidentally click on links.
Keep your font selection professional and readable. The font is one of the first items people notice when coming to a site. Skip the fancy fonts such as Comic Sans, since people may not be able to read them on many computers. If they don’t have that font on their computer, it might be subset to their default font. That can ruin your design!

Text Editor
While development platforms can ease the coding process, many are not as efficient as a plain old text editor. Utilizing a platform allows you to focus on the design aspects of the website, while having the platform handle the technical aspect of creating the code. Even if you do use one of these editors, make sure to check your code in a text editor afterward to clean up erroneous or extraneous code.
As you learn more web design skills, you should practice each thing you learn repeatedly to make sure you are getting it right. Easy application of the information you are learning will help you manifest your web page design ideas. You never want to read something great but not actually “get it” because you didn’t try it out on your own.
Get a few books on website design and study them. Be sure you begin with information that is targeted to your current design level; you want to improve your skills, but you want to make sure you don’t miss any information as you go.
Talk to other web designers to make sure that you have adequately learned what you needed to in order to build your site. It’s a good thing to know that you actually remember all that you were taught, because something you don’t want is to be halfway through designing your site and then suddenly stumble over a lost fact or point.
As stated above, website design may be attractive to look at, but only if it’s executed well. It’s easy to distinguish good from bad in website creation, but getting from good to better — or best — takes more subtle touches. The advice in the article above should help you become a better web designer.
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