Blogs are everywhere on the Internet. WordPress is a very popular blogging platform that many of these sites are created on. If you want to have a blog of your own, you have to find out all you can about WordPress, and if you keep reading you’re going to learn a lot.

Don’t use a common design for your WordPress site. Although creating an individual design takes more time, it will make your website look more personalized. Create something that shows your unique flair.

Smart Parents

If your post has a long title, clean up its permalink. To illustrate this, “The Best Banana Cream Pie Recipe Taught To Me By My Grandmother” would show as a very long URL that can be annoying to your readers. To help shorten your permalink, use “tips-parents-unruly-kids.”

TIP! Make sure you use “title” and “alt.” You should include alt text when adding images to your posts.

If your post has a long title, clean up its permalink. For instance, “Ten Ways Smart Parents Can Tame Their Children” would come across as a cumbersome, long URL. Instead, you could use something like: “Smart Parents Control Kids” if it works with your SEO strategy.

Spend some time learning about the tools and features WordPress offers bloggers. You will get more choices when you do this. It will make your posts different than others. You should also see a Screen Options on the Admin page. Use this for many formatting options.

Be sure to make use of Title and Alt. This lets you add text to your posts. You can increase the number of SEO phrases and inform visitors of additional information.

It is simple to add video to a site created with WordPress. It may take more effort, but it’s worth it. Visuals grab your readers’ attention. A video can show them things that the written word just can’t convey, and as a result, it can be a very powerful tool.

TIP! Teach yourself everything you can prior to using WordPress. It’s best to start WordPress when you have an understanding of how it works and a general idea of which plugins will work best for you.

WordPress is great for adding video elements to blogs. Although you may have to put in a little more time, you will get rewarded for your effort in the end. Many internet users enjoy visuals. Videos can convey things words cannot, so they are very useful.

Before installing WordPress, take some time for education. The more you’re able to do in advance, the more you’ll be better prepared when you start. Learn all you can about SEO, good content and using WordPress to your advantage.

Special Characters

Set a schedule when you’re ready to post. If you have a set time when you are supposed to make a post, you will be more likely to actually do it. As a matter of fact, you can create your posts ahead of time and then use the WP scheduling feature to post them at specific times.

TIP! Get rid of special characters from the URLs of your blog posts. When search engines attempt to spider your website, these will give them problems, so get rid of them.

Simplify your URL by eliminating special characters. Special characters make it more difficult for search engines to index your site. In addition, make sure the URLs aren’t too long; you don’t want anyone to be turned off by the length.

Unless otherwise specified, your posts will appear chronologically. You can change the order of this list by changing the dates on your blog posts. Open a post and look at the upper right hand corner. There you will find the date. Click and change the date, then save the post. This changes where its position will be.

Let your users easily share your content via email. This will also allow them to share these articles with others. A WP Email plugin can make this possible.

You can increase your rank by including keywords with your pictures. Add in the tags for the alternate text and titles. Your title will show up when something is “pinned” on Pintrest.

TIP! The greeting appearing at the head of the WordPress website page should be very engaging. This helps your visitors feel more welcome and interested, and the messages can be personalized depending on how the visitor got there.

Never share your password. Your plugin choices should be from reputable sites. If your site is hacked or gets malware, you will lose everything.

Make sure you maintain an organized media library. If you just upload images randomly it’ll get out of control and disorganized. Create folders designated for images at each step of the way. You’ll be able to find what you need much more quickly.

Make sure you have your blog backed up. Back up your blog on a daily basis. Use a plugin like Xcloner to help you with the process. Back your website up in at least 2 places. It would be terrible to lose your whole blog.

Ensure that it is possible for users to forward articles from your site to their email easily and at will. This is crucial for sharing purposes. Visitors may not have access to sites like Twitter or Facebook at work and need a way of sharing your article with others. Use a WP-Email plugin to make this happen.

TIP! Security is of the utmost importance in WordPress, so never share your password. On top of that, only download plugins from sites which are reputable and check the reviews before you install anything.

Always read user reviews before installing any plugins. Lots of people know how to create plugins. You should stay away from plugins that are full of problems. Highly rated plugins with lots of downloads are generally safe.

Is WordPress clutter bothering you? Turn off some boxes on your pages. To do this, utilize the button called “Screen Options” located atop the WordPress window. Click it and you’ll get a drop-down menu which allows you to click off (or on) the boxes that you want.

Whether you want to start a blog or just read it, WordPress can offer you a lot. You will have more success if you know how to use WordPress. Remember this article when you are blogging.

Always organize your media library. Uploading images without thinking of organization can cause havoc to your site. Place images into proper folders. Later on, when you want to reuse an image, it’ll make the search a whole lot easier to deal with.

TIP! Update your plugins regularly. These plugins are very important for your site.

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