Whether a website is successful or unsuccessful can easily be decided by its design. Utilizing effective and appealing web page design practices will ensure that visitors will find your website attractive, trustworthy, and easy to use. On the contrary, when website design lacks quality, visitors will leave without even reading the content. Heed the advice below to help you design an attractive and functional website.
Use the proper graphic tools for website design. Keep in mind that bitmaps don’t usually work well, while PNGs do. PNG should be used for buttons with text and screenshots that have 256 colors or more. For photos, you can use JPEG images.
Don’t use lots of graphics. You want the site to look professional and well-designed instead of cluttered. Don’t use graphics just to decorate; use them to improve the site. Also, including the “right” number of images makes it easier to navigate the site.
Broken Links
It is very important that you double-check your website for broken links before you publish the pages. People will become frustrated if they a link leads them to a broken page. Either use a program to check for broken links or check each link manually.
Try pulling images into your post to maximize engagement. Putting pictures on a website adds a more personal touch and helps the user relate better to your information. People always like to look at interesting pictures that they have never seen before, and many times will spend hours on your site looking at them.
Make sure you are prioritizing your user’s needs. As a web designer, it is your job to always keep your attention tuned to the needs of your user. This includes user experience, usability, user interaction, and accessibility. You must know these very well and consider every possibility. View the site’s design from the potential visitors’ perspective.

Be sure your website’s load times are quick and efficient. People are more likely to leave your site if the load time is too long. Therefore, cut back on things like Flash, how many graphics you have, and expire headings.
Learning about design on the web is much easier as you practice. So, try out your new skills and create a simple page using C+ and HTML. This will show you whether or not you have the basics down pat. Practice is one of the most reliable ways to improve website creation skills; start practicing early and often to get the maximum benefit.
Go ahead and sign up for a newsletter that can inform you about website development periodically, so that if you ever lose sight of your web design goals you have a place to come back to and begin once again. Newsletters can help both beginners and veterans learn more.
You may notice interesting website creation techniques being used by other web designers, but you want to innovate, not copy. Come up with your own ideas and features or improve upon some that you admired on other sites. Doing this will boost your website quality.
The success of your site will depend in large measure on whether or not you have a visually appealing and functional website development. Use strategies that work and you will see an increase in your traffic. Website design which looks like it was completed by someone who’s never designed before will tell visitors that their business isn’t worth investing in. Use these practical tips and tricks to develop a high-performance website.
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