Whether a website is successful or unsuccessful can easily be decided by its design. Making sure to follow the rules of website development that have been established will make sure that people find your website to be appealing and easy to access. If you have a bad looking website though, people may just go elsewhere without even trying to look at content. Read on for some tips on designing an attractive website.
Incorporate a search function that lets visitors find what they need. For people who look for specific things, they’ll look for a search box first. If you do not have one, the viewer will find another site. Always put the search box near the top-right corner of your pages.
Remember the background. While some websites utilize moving GIF backgrounds, opt for simple background since these moving backgrounds can make text hard to read. Pick a background that meshes with your site, not against it, and your viewers will have a much easier time understanding what you want to say.
It is important that your website is easy to read. Usability testing has shown that visitors are interested in scanning the content for items of value, rather than reading every word. Having text in certain areas to create a more bold appearance will catch the attention of readers who quickly scan each page. Important content that you do not want visitors to miss should always be placed at the top of each page. All of this ensures a more satisfying experience for your visitors because they can quickly find what they need.
Use shortcuts. Nearly everything in website development has a shortcut, and if you check them out carefully, you can find quicker ways to accomplish most items. For example, there are HTML codes that can let you make quick changes to your site without needing to re-upload the page.
Ensure that you’re including a method of receiving feedback from your site’s visitors. This way, you will know what you’re doing right and wrong and you can fix any problems that your visitors are coming across so others don’t have to deal with the same issues. Give your visitors a sense of engagement so that they will return to your website in the future.
Website Loads

Whatever your design is like aesthetically, be sure all your files are small. The reason for this is that your file sizes directly affect how quickly your website loads. You should strive to make sure that your website loads as fast as it possibly can. Remember that not all people who visit your site will have a high-speed connection to the Internet. Check your site, and make sure that it can load quickly even with a slow dial-up internet connection.
Optimize your site for older versions of Internet Explorer (IE7 and IE8). Many people detest Internet Explorer, but some still use these older versions today. Since many elements are not up-to-date you will have to work around it. Make sure to look at the infamous “box model bug,” which has been an issue for IE for several years.
Meta Tags
If you want your website to get more visitors, take care to use relevant, up-to-date meta tags on every page of your site. Having meta tags that are quality will help show the search engines what your site is about. Your website will under-perform on search engines and draw fewer visitors than it should if you use inappropriate or ill-conceived meta tags.
Having a good looking and easy to follow website can be what determines if your site is successful or not. Use strategies that work and you will see an increase in your traffic. A poor website design causes visitors to leave the site and rarely encourages them to come back. The advice you just gained about website creation can help you become great at it for your future endeavors.
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