It is crucial that all web designers, especially those who are new, are well-educated on the basics of design in order to ensure fully functional websites that look good as well. If you want to know more about website creation, there’s lot of resources you can study. Start with this article. What follows are some basic concepts necessary for good web page design.
Check your webpages for broken links before publishing them. People will become frustrated if they a link leads them to a broken page. You can manually check links or use a program that will find broken links for you.
Your site should be able to be scanned easily. Tests have shown that the majority of online readers avoid reading everything on a page; instead, they just scan it for information that is of importance to them. Text that is easy to read will ensure you have visitors that come back. Also, keep the important info at the top. This all leads to an experience that is more satisfying to your visitors as they can always find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Try not to use JavaScript too much. It does provide more ways for you to build a responsive and transparent site, but it can be problematic for some visitors. All web browsers vary, and each one releases new versions on a regular basis. Not all visitors have the most current version of their browser. Also, not every person will keep JavaScript set up in their browsers. If you choose to use JavaScript every time, you will prevent some users from being able to effectively use your site.
Keep each different topic separated. Have an individual page for each different point. This helps alleviate any confusion that your customers may experience, as well as giving search engines a broader and more clear view of your site, potentially bumping you up higher in their rankings.
Use Photoshop to create professional looking graphics for use on your website. This software will ensure that you have all the effects and tools you need to create graphics which look like they were completed by a pro. Although a copy of Photoshop represents a significant investment, the time it will save you and the improvement it will make in your results can easily justify the program’s cost.

Don’t accidentally place links on your site that lead to nowhere. Visitors to your page are more likely to click on a link when they know where the link will take them. Any links on your website should contain text because links without text can be accidentally selected without the viewer’s knowing.
As you design your site, incorporate independent CSS paging for browsers and make use of conditional loading. These techniques will make it easier to test and maintain your site. All websites need to be maintained at some point, and you want it to be as simple as possible so you can easily make changes.
Basic Fonts
Use basic fonts which every user will be able to see. Most corporate sites use just a few basic fonts. Avoid using fonts like Comic Sans and various fancy fonts that might not be on many computers. A font can be subset to the default font on your user’s computer if they don’t have it. This can make your website look a lot worse.
The introduction to this article stated that new web designers need to learn certain fundamentals in order to craft websites that look good and work well. With the thousands of resources available, it can be very difficult to know where to begin. By following the advice in the article above, you will be able to start learning the basics of web page design.
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