If you are like many people, you would like to design a website, but do not know the best way to do it. You just know that you are going to have some videos and share lots of different pictures on your website. Unfortunately, you’re just not quite ready to begin transforming your dream into a reality. The following website design advice will help you get the ball rolling. Take a few minutes to go through these tips and plan out your web page design project more efficiently.

Incorporate a tagline prominently on your website. This tagline should give visitors an idea of what your site is about. Use clear taglines to help people that visit your page. You only have a few second to get their attention and get them them to look through the whole website.

Remember the background. Backgrounds with moving GIF views can be great, but can make text hard to read as well. In order to preserve your website’s focus, and make it easy for your visitors to comprehend, you should choose a background image that harmonizes well with your site instead of clashing with it.

Is your site easy to scan? Through usability tests, it has been determined that many readers online do not read all content. Normally, most are just scanning for interesting parts. Text that is easy to read will ensure you have visitors that come back. Keep the most pertinent information near the top of the page. In this way, your visitors will have a good experience and get the information they need.

Regardless of your target crowd or your site’s purpose, you always want to aim for a ten second loading time or better. You want your site to load quickly on the browser of whoever is visiting your page. Most people who use the Internet want instant gratification, so it is best that your website provides it.

Place personal photos on your site to make it look better. Putting pictures on a website adds a more personal touch and helps the user relate better to your information. People will stay on your site longer if it has photos to check out.

When you build a website you need to quit using a lot of fonts that confuse people. You should also look at how various fonts appear when seen on a computer screen. Smaller fonts can be challenging to see. Times New Roman is a great example. Most sites use Verdana, which is easily read in different colors and sizes.

Be sure that your website has small files, no matter how aesthetically designed your site is. Your file sizes have a lot to do with the speed of your site loading. You should strive to make sure that your website loads as fast as it possibly can. This is because not all of the visitors you’re going to attract are going to have a powerful operating machine or high speed Internet. Test your website to ensure that it loads quickly even on a dial-up modem connection.

User experience is the most important aspect of any website. Their needs should be your primary focus. They should include interaction, usability, accessibility and the overall users experience. These are really important to think about when working on a website. You need to look through the eyes of the visitors when you make a website.

As you can see, designing a site isn’t hard. There are important techniques involved in website design and once you learn them, you will be able to carry that knowledge to all your projects. The tips you just read should guide you efficiently through designing your site.

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