Do you ever surf a webpage and find yourself jealous of the layout? There are many key elements that can make or break your site. This article helps you to improve your site’s elements. Keep reading to uncover more secrets on website design!

Choosing the right graphics can either make or break a website. Keep in mind that bitmap files are quite large and typically do not work well, but PNGs work okay. A PNG image should be used when it has less than 256 colors, so try to stay with that when designing text buttons, screenshots and images that are photographic quality. JPEGs are good to use for photographs.

When you design a site, pull it up in various browsers. This is because your website may look a certain way to you in your browser, but will look very different in another browser. This means that you need to understand which browsers are most widely in use today, and check the site in each one. Send your website to a bunch of friends to see if they have trouble.

Keep personal information handy in the event that it must be re-entered by a repeat visitor of your website. When a user needs to enter their information multiple times to sign up for various options you give them, make it so that they don’t have to enter duplicate info from beginning to end on their own repeatedly. Doing this will make everything much easier for the people that visit your page, and they will definitely appreciate the time saved.

Always keep your opening page simple. Those who are shopping the web will make snap decisions about a site based off its front page. Use descriptions about your company and it’s goals.

Don’t allow pop-ups on your website. Though there are some uses for pop-ups, they are often considered an annoyance. When you add pop-up windows to your website, you run the risk of frustrating people to the point that they won’t come back.

Alt Tags

As you go about setting up your website, make sure that you add ALT tags to all images on the site. These tags can describe pictures for people who cannot see them for one reason or another. In addition, ALT tags allow you to describe how a link behaves if you utilize your images as links. It’s also important to remember that search engine bots search for ALT tags, so they can aid in your search engine ranking.

All links must have text content. When a link uses text content, it is easy for the visitor to see and understand where they are going. It is very easy for visitors to your page to accidentally hit a link if it has no text content.

The more you practice and learn, website design will be easier and more comfortable for you. Start with some simple pages using C+ and HTML to make sure that you have the fundamentals down pat. Get to work now and practice your craft!

Never use pop-up ads on a website. Incorporating ads is an important part of a website but they should not detract from your viewer’s experience. This usually results in visitors not returning to your site. Keep ads small and unobtrusive.

Design Tools

While using design tools provided by a web host is workable for establishing your website, it’s smart to add some unique, personal touches as well. You need to incorporate your personality into the website, and that can be done by adjusting some stuff and adding others that the host design tools don’t offer.

The secrets are out, and you can now start building your website. Begin a rough draft by listing the things you loved from those sites in order to include them in yours. This can help you to become very imaginative.

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