Many people falsely believe that flashier websites are best, but that’s almost never true. Keep things short, sweet and to the point, like other successful sites do, if you want to appeal to the masses looking for easy access to the answers they seek. Read on for numerous suggestions on how to keep your web site simple yet attractive.

Take advantage of as many shortcuts as you can. In the world of website design, shortcuts are common place. Look into them and you will discover that they can help with most things. There are lots of HTML codes that can help you make changes quickly without going through the upload process.

You always want to have a maximum page load time of ten seconds. A good site will appear before a visitor’s eyes within moments. Most online users crave instant gratification, so your success relies on providing it.

With large websites, it’s always best to add in good search capabilities. On your homepage in the corner to the upper right-hand, you can add a search box which lets users search for a term on your site. You can get search functions to improve your website at FreeFind and at Google.

A simple way to increase your sites attractiveness is to make use of pictures you have taken. This will make it more appealing to your visitors. When people see pictures they tend to spend more time looking at your site and cannot wait to click on the next picture.

When deciding on a background color for your website, white is a very effective and good choice. Using white helps visitors be able to read your website, and gives your site a more professional look. If you make your background design too complicated, however, it’ll distract your visitors and detract Backgrounds should be simple and subtle.

Avoid putting ads in your website that pop up. This can be very annoying to your users. People won’t want to visit your website again. Your ads should be simple, direct and engaging, without pop-ups.

Website counters near the bottom of the page are pretty unattractive. You might think they are a valuable addition to your site, but nothing could be further from the truth. Get rid of your visitor count and use other methods to see how many visitors your site is getting.

Begin by making smaller websites, so you can see your strengths and weaknesses before starting a major site. If you begin by creating only a few pages, it will be easier to gradually build your confidence.

Using white (unused) space effectively can actually improve your website, so don’t think your website needs to be jam-packed with content. Having some free space within your site improves its readability. This will cause your visitors to more easily read and retain the knowledge provided to them.

Search Box

Place your search box toward the top of your pages and allow people to type in at least twenty-seven characters. Use the word “Search” on the button for starting a search and avoid words like “go” or “submit”. This will ensure your search box can be easily seen, used, and assist your visitors in discovering what they’re searching for.

There are many things to consider when designing a website. If you have a good understanding of what it takes to create a site that looks nice without being overly flashy, then your site will be successful. Use the above tips to design a nice, but simple site.

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