Do you ever surf the web, stumble across a site and find yourself jealous of the layout? There are many key elements that can make or break your site. In this article, you will learn all the tricks and tips that the pros already use. Keep reading to learn more than you’ll ever expect!

You must create a website that is easily navigable to attract and keep traffic. Links should be easy to find and prominently displayed. Menus are another way to make site navigation easier on your site. Have links to the main pages available on every page of your site so visitors can always find their way around.

You don’t ever want to use too much graphics. Graphics are indeed important to make your website look well-designed and professional, but if you use too many, it just looks cluttered. Graphics are not for decoration or ornamentation. Instead, they are to help you improve the overall appeal and usability of your site. Also, including the “right” number of images makes it easier to navigate the site.

TIP! Be careful with the color combinations you use when designing your website. Be sure that your written content is clearly visible and easy to read against the background you choose.

Keep your page sizes to a minimum. For customers with slower Internet speeds, a slow loading site can cause loss of interest. Don’t waste their time or your own.

So that you can create a visually appealing site, get yourself a website design program. You will be happy with the professional product these programs can produce. If your site doesn’t look nice, you won’t get many visitors to it.

Forget about pop-up advertisements. Nothing is worse that going to a website and being bombarded with pop-up ads. Many people will close a website that brings pop-ups as soon as they can, no matter what size the site is. Avoid using these irritating ads to keep your visitors happy. If your host gives you no choice about using pop-ups, you probably ought to choose a new one.

TIP! Functional websites work out for all visitors, regardless of their browser, so it’s essential that your website is tested across all the major platforms. Even though your website may display perfectly on Internet Explorer, this doesn’t mean that it will look the same on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.

Make sure the content on your website is compelling and interesting. Your design is also important, but the content is the part that keeps visitors coming back. When your content is useful and provides valuable information that meets your visitor’s needs, those visitors will return again and again.

White is the most common background color online for a reason. A bright, white background makes it easier to read text; it also appears more professional. However, intricate background images are often difficult to pull off; more often than not they appear sloppy and distracting. When choosing a background for your website, a simple background is better.

Keep in mind that your resources for website development are practically limitless since they can be found throughout the Internet. A plethora of websites are available that can help spark your inspiration. There is nothing wrong with using a feature or design idea that you like from another website and making it your own. Remember that if you want your website to succeed, you will need to do more than just borrow an idea. Make those elements better so your site truly shines.

TIP! The use of JavaScript should be kept at a minimum. Even though it can give your website a more transparent and responsive look, it can give some users problems.

You don’t have to fill all available space when designing a site. You will make your visitors feel overwhelmed if you use all the space available. Give your users a break by allowing space between different elements on each page. You would be surprised how empty space can often be as valued as content.

One thing you want to think twice about is a website counter located on your page, as they have more negatives than positives. Take it off of your site if you want to look contemporary. Get rid of your visitor count and use other methods to see how many visitors your site is getting.

Now you understand much more about website development. Keep a list of things you love about websites and try to fit them into yours. Use your creative side and enjoy!

TIP! Learn any shortcuts that you can and try to use them. Almost everything has a shortcut in web design, and if you take the time to look them over, you’ll find quick ways to do almost everything.

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