You can make money by getting into web design. When you know how to make sites, you can make them for yourself or others. The nice thing about website development is that you can do it at any time of the day, from wherever you want. Therefore, there is more freedom in your schedule.
Always keep the size of your pages to a minimum. Not all people using the Internet have a fast connection, and loading times can make visitors lose interest. You will want your users to have a great overall experience.
If users want to, let them cancel an action. Types of such actions would include registering an email, filling out forms, or browsing your site for archives or topics. When you do not allow visitors to cancel something they do not wish to complete, you are forcing them into something, which can prove detrimental to fostering return visits and/or purchases.
Easily Scanned
Make sure your website is easily scanned. Through usability tests, it has been determined that many readers online do not read all content. Normally, most are just scanning for interesting parts. Emphasized text is more easily scanned and helps readers along, also better ensuring they return. Be sure important information is given top billing. All of this ensures a more satisfying experience for your visitors because they can quickly find what they need.
Make sure to preserve personal information that may need to be entered again by the same user of your website. When a visitor fills out a registration form on your website, for instance, your site should hang onto that information, and use it to fill out data fields for the visitor on subsequent interactive pages ahead of time. Creating information that is “sticky” simplifies the entire process, and visitors are certain to appreciate all the time that they have saved.
No matter how flashy your website is, it is vital that you keep the sizes of your website’s files small. This is because file sizes are directly correlated with load times. You always want your site to load as quickly as it can. You must also be aware that everyone doesn’t have a high speed connection to the Internet. Your website should be tested on all connections, even a dial-up connection, to make sure it loads quickly.
Do not underestimate the value of using a plain white for the background on your web presence. White backgrounds give your site a professional look, as well as make the content easy to read. Complicated background designs can distract your visitors and, it can also make your site look less professional. Simple backgrounds are generally better.
Create a comprehensive “About Us” page. Most websites don’t have very interesting copy in this area. Spice things up. Try giving people a tiny peek into your personal background. Try showing how you got into web design, who inspired you, and what you hope to accomplish with your business.
If you feel stuck, do some Google searches to find out how others worked through it. There are literally millions of websites that you can browse to find the inspiration that you need. Look through some examples and figure out what it is you like about them. Incorporate those elements into your own site. Remember that you can’t just steal ideas if your site is to be successful. Then, improve on the design elements you like.
You should be ready to design a website after reading this. Make sure you learn and become the best you can be so you can become a web design professional in no time.
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